Saturday, March 20, 2010


This time of the year the planet seasonal DNA ‘program’ turns on the reproduction/sex energies in all the species throughout the planet in the relative temperate zones… and everything and everybody gets horny… and the only time it’s a problem… is when you have human societies with contradictory, codes of conduct, morals, values, etc. …that are created and manipulated by power wielding hypocrites …like most of the current religious world leaders of every stripe… and of course the Behemoth advertising and entertainment media industry that stokes these hot horny energies and passions for mega profits… as everyone wants to get laid… and a lot… and in all kinds of creative ways…

It is what it is… if you choose to indulge in the powerful and oft delightful energy… simply do so with a consenting adult of like mind… and it’s a good idea to use a condom…

The current sex scandal of Michelle, Jesse, and Sandra... is within orb influnce to aspects in the chart of today’s Spring Equinox chart. The conjunction of the of the Moon at 27 degrees of Taurus (sensuous appetites), and a significant asteroid, Eros, which is ruled by Mars (sex, Eros can also can indicate the type of person you are sexually attracted to, and where you might find them) at 25 degrees… both are conjunct a fixed star, Algol, at 26 degrees (rather nasty in it’s influence when other planets conjunct with it) …and this multiple sensuous, sexual, nastiness is all square to Neptune (Celebrities, movies, entertainment, scandal) at 27 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, shocking, surprise, upsetting)…

[click chart for detail]

…and easy to see after the fact …Mars (needles) sextiles Saturn (permanent) …Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are all co-rulers of Tattoos… and Michelle McGee, the tattoo model mistress of the Jesse James/Sandra Bullock infidelity scandal. Mars also trines the conjunct of the Sun at 0 degrees of Aries (Cardinal power point) in passing conjunct (just occurred) to Uranus at 26 degrees of Pisces (Neptune ruled, movies, scandal, etc)… the sextile and trines simply make it ‘easy’ to happen… the mistress spilled the beans on him for money… and of course the Saturn opposition from 1 degree of Libra is the separating influence… and Sandra moved out.

I am beginning to put more weight and significance into Equinox and Solstice charts as important indicators of the seasonal trends… ergo, we can expect more sex, political, fraud, etc., type of scandals throughout this Spring season. This will be interesting research.

There will be more on this as dates of birth of all involved become available.

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