Tuesday, October 5, 2010


If you were out last Sunday during the early afternoon and evening… and you by ‘chance’ met someone and had an immediate sexual attraction… or encounter… and are waking up now wondering, ‘…how did this happen?’…you experienced the influence of an exact transiting Venus and Mars conjunction that is linked by aspect to some of your personal planets in your natal horoscope and or the other person’s.

Venus and Mars have been dancing around each other within a 6 degree orb since last August when Venus passed Mars, then made it’s station, and is now going to go retrograde… and this direct and retro movement Tango has been dancing through the signs of Libra, the lovers, and Scorpio… sex.

[click chart for detail]

So why am I telling you now …instead of last Saturday morning? In two decades of doing compatibility charts it has been my experience that rarely does a client come to me with the ‘significant other’s date of birth… before they have sex. It’s always afterward… and they are usually lamenting, ‘It was so hot… when we first met… and now I don’t know who they are… will this work out?’ …etc, etc.

I try to explain to their bruised egos that they aren’t really the last of the red hot lovers… and that the encounter occurred when transiting planets like Venus, Mars, and the Moon were so aligned as to create a temporary strong attraction between them. Longevity of a relationship depends on other planets like the Sun, Moon, and Saturn and their natal locations in their respective charts.

The planets simply move… and things and relationships change. Once the blinding hot sex energy has passed… everyday reality comes back and you see the other sides of each other… and they may not be so compatible out of bed on Tuesday morning.

Then usually the ‘blame games’ start… ‘…you lied, you’re no Prince! …you’re a selfish, fat, ugly, egotistical toad loser living in your van parked down by the river!’ …’oh, yeah… well… you’re not exactly what you pretend to be either… how is it my pal, and his buddies in the Dirtwater Flats volunteer fire department can all describe the tattoo on your butt?!’ …etc, etc… we’ve all seen or lived the episode… the planets move and love turns to hate.

While the Venus/Mars conjunct can create passionate encounters… it can also swing negative with some individuals… and there can be and often are crimes of lust, passion, jealousy. So, why haven’t the tabloids of print, TV, and the internet been screaming with sex scandals and crimes lately? More than likely because this sexy conjunct has occurred in secretive sign of Scorpio… if you’re discreet, you just might get away with that clandestine affair you had last weekend during this hot transit.

Movie examples of this type of encounter would be any of the silly Doris Day and Rock Hudson romance comedies of the 50-60’s, or BLAME IT ON RIO… and if tragic… the nude Marlon Brando in THE LAST TANGO IN PARIS.

If you missed all the excitement… not to worry… the conjunct occurs every year… but in different signs. This past hot one will occur again in the sign of Scorpio in December of 2034... so, mark your calendar and be ready for it next time.

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