Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My colleagues at Astrology News World have brought to my attention the recent scandalous revelations of the alleged mistress of Aston Kutcher… one Brittney Jones… of him and his wife Demi Moore often having threesomes with females that Demi selects.

This is a classic example of how the intense sexuality of the transiting Venus and Mars conjunction can be… especially in Scorpio… and how it can manifest… and its occasional negative backlash… which is often karmic in nature.

There is a lot that can be written about these two… and the basic aspects of attraction that has gotten them together. I don’t have an accurate birth time for Aston Kutcher… so, I shall use Noon which gives us the basic planet locations on his DOB.

With basic synastry astrology we can see the basic immediate attraction between them… Demi’s Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune natal Stelleum in Scorpio (sex)… and in her 8th House (sex) …which has lot to with her being a sexy film icon …conjuncts Aston’s natal Uranus …sudden and strong …and an inclination for the ‘unusual’ …ergo, very possible threesomes, as it squares his Sun, Moon, and Venus conjunction (also an glamor aspect) in Aquarius (ruled by ‘unusual’ Uranus)… and all square to Demi’s hot Scorpio Stellem… also the Venus conjunct to Neptune in Demi’s natal chart is often expressed as a bisexual inclination.

The scandal breaker, the alleged mistress of Aston… Brittney Jones reports that partners for the threesomes were usually selected by Demi… which would fit her Mars in Leo placement …the active director of the scenarios …and His Mars in Cancer, the acquiescing to her choices. All these factors can confirm such a story.

[click charts for detail]

…so, let’s look at the transits of the hot Venus and Mars conjunct this past 3rd of October in Scorpio and see where it occurred in their mutual charts…

It jumps up off of Demi’s natal chart and hits us in the eye… at 14 degrees of Scorpio the Venus/Mars conjunct is right in the middle of her Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune Stelleum… thus activating it… as well as conjunct to Aston’s Uranus…and conjunct her Neptune… a sudden (Uranus) scandal (Neptune)… in Scorpio… and Neptune (scandal) is transiting through Demi’s 12th House (hidden, secrets)… ergo, a sudden sex scandal… Lies and gossip are also ruled by foggy Neptune… so nothing is definite…

The theme repeats in Aston’s chart as the Venus/Mars transit conjuncts his Uranus (sudden, and activating his natal Venus square Uranus… an inclination for sexual experimentation and multiple partners) …also in indicator of the unusual difference in their ages… and transiting Neptune (scandal) in Uranus ruled Aquarius… again sudden revelations… The more themes that tie together and repeat… the stronger the probability of the event…

But… I wasn’t there… and neither were you… with Neptune involved it could also be a big lie or exaggeration by Brittney… tattle tails make scandalous big bucks from the tabloids…

Nonetheless, the alleged events do fit the nature of the transits for the past two months.

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