Thursday, December 3, 2009


Tiger Woods triple bogey: Kalika. Moquin is third alleged mistress with Jaimee Grubbs, Rachel Uchitel

Read more:

How does a good looking, champion, legendary golfer, with all the money in the world… get himself in such a mess? …sticky transits.

…it’s an ancient story …beautiful women are attracted to handsome, champion, famous, rich men …after you’ve got all the money you could ever need, one gets bored… and with natal Mars (rules sex drive) in Gemini (the sign of the flirt and variety) …and with Venus in Scorpio (strong passions) …there can be an inclination to wander, if only because you can… and to relieve the tremendous pressures of his focal ‘T-Bar’ aspect of Mercury opposition Saturn (tremendous focus) both in square to Uranus (unusual, unique)… which pretty well describes the game of golf…

…the square is an obstacle …that is the game of golf …obstacles of sand traps, water, trees, etc. (all Uranus, sudden surprises and happenings, wind blows ball off course, a competitor makes lucky long putt, etc.) …along an 18 hole course. The sign of Libra rules golf… and the cusp is in the 1st House (life force) and powerful Pluto conjuncts the Part of Fortune in the first house… indicating potential tremendous fame and luck.

Tiger makes the efforts… since childhood… and uses the Mars location at the Mid Heaven in trine to the Part of Fortune and Pluto which then sextiles to Neptune (glamour)… which then trines to Jupiter (abundance, good fortune) which then sextiles back to Mars… a very powerful and fortunate formation… if the efforts are made… and Tiger has certainly done that throughout his career. From Rex Bills’ RULERSHIP BOOK, “golf = Jupiter, Venus, Libra, Mars”

The sticky transits… the oppositions and squares are the problems and obstacles. His life reflects the game he’s famous for… challenge, variety, obstacles… and now the ‘scandal’ trap… as transiting Uranus conjuncts the Descendant and cusp of the 7th House (rules marriage) this is often a divorce transit… or at least an unsettling influence in a marriage…

…and the ‘scandal’ trap is the transiting Jupiter Neptune conjunction now in his natal 5th House (rules romantic affairs)…

Still, Tiger is a man of integrity and confesses to his infidelities and makes his apologies… without trying to squirm out of it… This I respect in both Tiger Woods and David Letterman… and it proves that truth is the better tool in public image damage control during scandals. We all have our indiscretions… hopefully we learn and grow from them.

…and so it goes… in the melodrama of our lives… as the planets spin.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


'People' magazine has dubbed Johnny Depp “The Sexist Man Alive for 2009.” What makes Johnny the sexist man alive… in the eyes of movies goers? Let’s look at his chart…

Flying right at me like an arrow off the chart again is… the ‘Destiny’ formation, the ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God’… formed by two planets in Sextile (60 degrees), and then each of them in turn form Inconjunct (150 degrees) angles to a third planet. It looks like an arrow head or pointer on the chart.

The planet at the point of the arrow formation… is the destiny brought about by the two planets in sextile. The sextile planets define the possible method, path, events, etc. that lead up to the destiny that occurs sometime during the person’s life.

Not only does the Yod formation indicate this title but also the nature of the actor himself. Jupiter is at 12 degrees Aries and in sextile to his Sun at 12 degrees of Gemini… beautifully expressed in the various characters that Johnny portrays in film… fiery, dynamic, inspirational… a very fortune aspect that supports a versatile and brilliant actor.

…and then the two benefic planets Sun and Jupiter point to Neptune (rules film arts) at 13 degrees of Scorpio (within one degree orb = valid aspect)… and Scorpio is the sign most associated with… sex.

Ergo, destined to be the film world’s “sexist man alive”… twice now.

click on chart for detail view

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Blunt comments and hasty actions may cause many sudden changes in Carrie’s life… the first aspect of trouble that I notice in her natal chart is Mars (energy, action, anger, passions) at 25 degrees of Gemini (speech, communication) in opposition to natal Uranus (sudden, shock, rebellion) at 26 degrees of Sagittarius (blunt).

You may not agree with her opinions… but you will know her opinions! …and it was her opinion against same-sex marriage that was jumped on by the ever so politically correct sharks …even some gay leaders admitted that she was entitled to her opinion and didn’t feel threatened by what she said.

…and now the masturbation sex tape scandal … With Mars in Gemini she’s active and curious… and with Venus in Aries sextile to Mars she can be delightfully aggressive if she likes you… and trine to Uranus in Sagittarius… it may be another of her rebellious adventures… and if she doesn’t get her way, with Moon in Scorpio …you will know about it, and it may be put to you a tad harshly… and Moon in opposition to her Sun in Taurus can explain her occasional stubborn moodiness.

On the positive side… she has a gang of easy trines and sextiles… to her Venus that also conjuncts Jupiter at 17 degrees by a wide orb… enough good luck to already be famous at the age of 22… and if she can balance out her opposition energies… flow with the trines, and sextiles… she can be quite successful at modeling clothes and dating professional athletes… and currently being a co-hostess for GOOD MORNING SAN DIEGO, KUSI-TV

…and perhaps with the Mars energy in Gemini (communication) a best selling author… and at 22 she is already published, with her accounts of her harassment by the media, STILL STANDING… and now she’s pals with Sarah Palin.

She does make the efforts… entering the pageant… taking advantage of the luck of attractive genetics by modeling… going to college and learning how to write… using the breaks and getting into television… and effort is what makes the trines and sextiles work for you.

The recent and on going square that transiting Uranus is making to her natal Uranus is the ‘youthful rebellion’ transit that we all go through in our twenties (84 year orbit divided by 4 = 21 …and 4 divided into 360 degrees = 90 degrees a SQUARE angle.

However, in her chart transiting Uranus is also squaring her natal Mars, thus making a very stressful ‘T Bar’… and thus a ‘sudden shocking’ (Uranus) scandal (Neptune) and Uranus is in Pisces which is ruled by Neptune, and Mars (sex)… and Uranus rules video tape… ergo, some problematic naughty video from the past bubbles up from the Neptune depths of Pisces… scandal.

It’s all so silly… most of us silly people have made naughty pictures with our video toys at one time or another… the problem is if you don’t erase them after you had your fun with them… they have a way of being ‘found’… especially if you’re a publicly prominent person.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


No birth time, Noon style synastry chart

The first thing that I notice in Rihanna’s natal chart is the infamous natal Venus in square to natal Neptune… the same as we saw in Monica Lewinsky’s chart… which is an inclination to project far more into a relationship with a significant other than is actually there… which eventually leads to disillusionment… as the reality of the significant other rears its ugly head and shatters the illusion…

…and we see that potential and erratic demon in Chris Brown’s natal Mars that is in opposition to both of the malefic planets …Saturn and Uranus… and Neptune as well.

What sets them off? …they tend to push each other’s buttons. Both of their natal Mercury locations square the other’s Sun location… constantly argumentative on both sides… not compatible.

Also Chris’ Mars at 4 degrees of Cancer is in opposition to Rihanna’s Saturn and Uranus… both goading type of influences on both sides… and the theme repeats as their mutual Mars locations oppose one another… attraction but not compatible. Chris’ Sun at 15 degrees of Taurus is in opposition to Rihanna’s Pluto at 13 degrees of Libra… clash of wills, one tries to dominate the other… not compatible.

Since they are approximately the same age… they both have the triple conjunct of Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus in Capricorn. Rihanna’s natal Sun is in Sextile to this group… thus a potentially Pop entertainer… and Chris’ Sun is trine this same group… thus potentially… some compatibility with each other… and his inclination as a Pop entertainer.

Show business got them together… and their personal lives drove them apart… and to the point of violence… in Rihanna’s own words, “It can happen to anybody.”

I applaud her self examination and honesty… and would only add, …‘especially to those who have harsh aspects between Venus and Neptune in their natal charts.’ ...simply be aware of it and choose wisely…

…solutions? With knowledge of the problem… as your astrologer may help you see… one can by ‘free will’ choice re-direct these energies into something more fun, therapeutic, and harmless… In Rihanna’s case, she might try a pastime relaxing hobby, or a class in pottery (Earth/Capricorn/Cancer/Water, Mother Earth… all potentially natural healing forces)… learning to center a ball of clay on a potter’s wheel… and then to pull up a bowl, pot, vase… just whatever Neptune inspires…

Thus, the stressful energy is released by meeting the challenges (square) of the art (Venus/Neptune)… and that physical challenge and release constructively creates a harmless, perhaps even beautiful, and useful… pot. This is a better and safer release of the square energies than bummer relationships …that can end in unnecessary violence and disaster.

And for Chris? One of our country’s legendary navel heroes, Admiral Farragutt (‘Damn the torpedoes!’) had natal Mars (war) square to natal Neptune (sea, navy)… In that same vein… natal Mars in opposition to Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus… would be ideal for a Navy SEAL commando (Neptune/Mars) who beats up enemies and blows up their stuff (Mars/Saturn/Uranus)… This would be a harmonious expression of the energy, in that they serve their country honorably.

Or as an entertainer, like Chris… maybe take some time off and learn scuba diving (Uranus/Neptune activity)… and learn spear fishing (Mars/Uranus/Neptune)… an active good exercise, therapeutic, fun, harmless… well, maybe not for the fish… expression of the energy… or maybe join an amateur water polo team… active harmless release is the objective… instead of beating up one’s girlfriend.

Squares are squares …most of us have one or two or more in our natal horoscope. They are our challenges… and our potential growth. It’s all a matter of self knowledge, acceptance of oneself and others, and more harmonious choices… and thus, spiritual evolution. How do you choose to express these energies?… They will… and do… flow through you… and your life experience… one way or another.

Monday, November 2, 2009


This is a classic study in “squares”… as they relate to synastry charts and relationships with intimate significant others (did I get that politically correct?...) At least one of these two… if not both… are of course wishing they had never met.

The first aspect that jumps up from their synastry chart and smacks me in the eye is her natal Venus at 14 degrees of Taurus square to his natal Uranus (by a wide 7 degree orb) at 21 degrees of Cancer.

From the reference book, The Astrology of Human Relationships,

“A’s [Reille] Venus Square B’s [John] Pluto – This comparative combination indicates strong sexual attractions… This is not a good combination for business enterprises…”

…and that’s how it began …John hires her to produce a behind the scenes video documentary of his political campaign… mixing business and pleasure… rarely a good start of a relationship.

…add to that her natal Mars at 23 degrees of Pisces square to his natal Mars at 27 degrees of Gemini …from the same text, again the theme repeats,

“A’s Mars square B’s Mars - …Romantic and marital relationships can be based on a desire for sexual gratification rather than genuine love. This is not a good combination for professional or corporate business partnerships.”

More from the text… Reille’s Moon in Gemini square John’s Mid Heaven, and the themes repeat again as to business and pleasure… and the results…

“…There can be conflict between the native’s domestic and career ambitions, and there can have serious disagreements over family and domestic matters. The emotional instability of the Moon individual [Reille] can hamper the career efforts of the Mid heaven individual, hurting status and prestige.”

…she did that …somewhat, I would say… Why would two people even try to deal with all this squared up mess? …again, aspects …her Moon conjuncts his Mars… “…It can indicate sexual attraction, but is no guarantee of compatibility….”

…another interesting aspect is her natal Venus in John’s 11th House (rules friends, associates) opposition Neptune… and her natal Neptune (film, video producing) is in John’s 5th House (creativity… and children). And now the full cycle is revealed as the transiting Jupiter approaching Neptune conjunction tightens and reveals… the not so big secret… and scandal… John admits to being the father of Reille’s love child…

click chart for detail view

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Levi Johnston is an incredible example of a young man flowing along with incredibly beneficial natal aspects… making him a world known celebrity at an early age… through little or no effort on his part… other than being an athletic high school hockey player who got his girlfriend pregnant… who’s mother Sarah Palin became famous over night as a John McCain’s V.P. running mate during the last election… and he and her daughter… and baby being ‘the scandal’…

He has an incredible Grand Trine between his Taurus Sun and Mercury conjunct at 13 degrees of Taurus in trine to the Conjunct of Uranus and Neptune at 10 and 15 degrees of Capricorn… which completes the Grand Trine formation with trines to the Moon somewhere (no accurate birth time) in early Virgo… the Moon represents the public… and here despite all the hype and scandal of it all… they see him as sort of an innocent ‘Tom Jones’ character… being pursued by female ‘cougars’…

Saturn is well placed in Capricorn, the sign that it rules… thus giving him a surprising stability… enough to see through the hype and to take advantage of his recent public exposure to pursue a modeling and acting career…

This practical savvy Taurian nature can be seen in his reply to Sara Palin,

“On Wednesday, Palin slammed Johnston (the father of her grandson, Tripp), calling him "desperate" for posing. Johnston shot back, "I don't think it should matter in their eyes what I am doing. She's doing her thing, I am doing mine."

"She's quitting governor for her money, so we're kind of on the same page," he said on the Early Show.”

His natal Mars is in sextile to Neptune and Uranus… an entertainment male ‘sex icon’ aspect, Charlie Sheen has Mars sextile Neptune… and he also has the seductive Mars and Venus both in the sign of Pisces… much can be said about this placement… I will be brief and cite one historical example, Giacomo Casanova, April 2, 1725, Venice, Italy…

In a Solar chart Capricorn rules the 10th House of worldly standing and here Levi has Neptune (entertainment) Uranus (unique, rebel) and Saturn (practical)… it all reminds me of a young actor who really super charged his career by doing a centerfold spread in Playgirl Magazine back in the early 1970’s… a fellow by the name of Burt Reynolds… remember him?

As long as Levi keeps making efforts… these trines will work in his favor… and we may well see more of him… besides his being naked in the up coming Playgirl Magazine presentation… Go for it, Dude!

Monday, October 19, 2009




Now here is an interesting synastry chart between two professional actresses capable of performing Lesbian scenes as an ‘act’ whether they are inclined that way or not.

Megan openly admits her bisexuality… and her natal Venus in opposition to her natal Uranus confirms that potential inclination. Venus in opposition to Uranus or Neptune often does incline the native toward possible out-of-the-ordinary sexual experiences, to include bisexual and homosexual experiences. We will find it often… as we explore the charts of some famous politician’s sex scandals in future articles.

Amanda is more the ‘actress’ about it… so why was it uncomfortable… even with these two professional actresses? Let’s look at their synastry chart. The same rules of attraction being determined by the aspects made between their mutual charts… will always apply in any ‘significant’ relationship… be it hetro, bi, or homosexual… same sex close friend, boss and employee, teammates, parent/child, siblings …any kind of ‘you and them’ relationship…

The aspects determine how you’re attracted, or put off by, love or hate, cooperate or clash… etc. If there are no aspects between the two charts… nothing happens… you simply pass by one another along the street… but if either of your natal Venus locations touch the other’s natal Mars location… one or both of you will check out the other… you will notice each other… and perhaps rather quickly…

They both have the flamboyant ‘actor, performer’ Leo Moon… and they get along professionally… but on the more personal and intimate side… even if it is just acting… it’s not going to happen.

Megan’s Saturn is at 7 degrees of Sagittarius… and by orb allowance it conjuncts Amanda’s Sun at 11 degrees Sagittarius, and Venus at 1 degree of Sagittarius… in compatibility astrology Saturn does not really get along that well with the Sun and Venus when in conjunct , square, or opposition… Saturn tends to dampen the spirit of the other.

The theme repeats, strike two… Amanda’s Saturn opposes Megan’s Sun at 25 degrees of Taurus by a six degree orb… more dampening of the creative flow… professionally they may tend to stabilize each other… but hot and passionate… it’s not.

…strike three? …Megan’s natal Mars at 20 degrees of Capricorn squares Amanda’s natal Mars at 23 degrees of Libra… not compatible… though professionally polite, they may irritate one another more than they care to admit in public…

The ladies are both professionals and they got through the scene… but it would have been a lot hotter with better casting… with perhaps the services of a good astrologer.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


click charts for detail views

It takes two to tango. Now let’s explore the girlfriend’s chart, Monica Lewinsky. She is the one that got used, abused, and dumped. You can see that inclination right off in the position of Venus in her natal chart. Venus is at 28 degrees of Leo and it is by a 6 degree orb allowance in SQUARE to Neptune at 4 degrees of Sagittarius. This square indicates one who often sees more in a relationship than is actually there and eventually gets disillusioned and hurt when the reality of who the other person really is finally becomes apparent.

Now here is an interesting note. The SQUARE is what is called ‘out of sign,’ and this means it is not naturally angular. If the square were angular Neptune would be in the late degrees of the preceding sign Scorpio. Leo and Scorpio are angular to one another, that is to say naturally square to each other. So, even though the aspect is within the orb allowance, the square occurs, ‘out of sign.’ This often indicates that there is something ‘hidden,’ in the aspect, and in fact it represents an inclination to have ‘hidden,’ or clandestine affairs. Her relationship with Bill was just that, a clandestine affair. I would suspect that she had previous clandestine affairs with bosses and or college professors long before she met Bill.

You may know one of these Venus square to Neptune types that get disillusioned and hurt in relationships over and over until they learn better and take up an artistic hobby, or fishing, or surfing (or any other activity that is ruled by Neptune) where this energy can be released harmlessly without all the emotional grief. That’s the trick in learning how to deal with the square that slaps you up the side of the head now and then. Simply be aware of the inclination and find a vigorous and harmless outlet for the energy. The energy will out, one way or another. With self awareness one can simply and consciously choose a better and more enjoyable way to release these energies.

Another often troublesome aspect in her natal chart is her Mars (impulsive actions) at 20 degrees of Aries (in the sign that it rules thus making it even stronger) in OPPOSITION (with a one degree orb) to Uranus (sudden and often disruptive happenings) at 19 degrees of Libra (rules relationships)… ergo, sudden impulsive relationships that often disrupt the mutual lives of both …somewhat, I would say… it got the guy impeached, and she became famous for the most notorious BJ in our country’s history.

There are of course more aspects in her chart. To simplify things we’ll just consider these two because they are the primary factors in the relationship between her and Bill.

Relationships give us the opportunity to use what is called, ‘Synastry,’ astrology. This is a technique where you put one person’s natal chart on top of the other person’s to see how the mutual planets aspect each other. These mutual aspects determine the attraction which can be harmonious or inharmonious. Yes, we are often strongly attracted to ‘inharmonious,’ people and situations. With astrology we can get an idea of how the relationship is going to work. I don’t care what a lady’s date of birth is. But if there is a possibility that she may get into a jealous and drunken rage and come at me swinging a pruning saw some night, I simply would like to be aware of that possibility. Yes, that did actually happen to me one time, and as a result I studied some more and sharpened my skills in relationship astrology somewhat.

In synastry astrology we use the same aspects and orb allowance definitions as in natal astrology. In the synastry chart between Bill and Monica we see that her Venus is at 28 degrees of Leo and within a tight 2 degree orb of CONJUNCT to his Sun at 26 degrees of Leo. Again the CONJUNCT is the strongest attraction aspect. The Venus to Sun CONJUNCT is one of the most common easy and harmonious attraction aspects between two people in any type of relationship. Her Sun at 0 degree of Leo CONJUNCTS his Saturn at 2 degrees of Leo with a tight 2 degree orb This is not a romantically favorable aspect but it often does indicate the older man (Bill 49 at the time) and the younger woman (she being 22 at the time) relationship.

Now it starts to get juicy. Monica’s Pluto (obsessive, and sexual) at 2 degrees of Libra is CONJUNCT to Bill’s Mars (male sex drive) CONJUNCT Neptune (fantasies) at 6 degrees of Libra and then to Bill’s Venus (love nature) and the entire powerful STELLIUM in Bill’s horoscope. Simply put she activates a lot of Bill’s latent sexual fantasies, like oral sex and diddling her with a cigar (it’s all in Kenneth Starr’s report, and it’s available on line, Google it and read it for yourself). There is still more. Her Uranus at 19 degrees of Libra is CONJUNCT to his Venus at 11 degrees of Libra, and to the entire STELLIUM again. This aspect indicates a sudden (Uranus) attraction and an affair that starts and ends suddenly, and it was just that, a six month affair that lasted from November of 1995 until April of 1996.

In synastry astrology it only takes one CONJUNCT between planets of attraction for a relationship to occur. In the synastry chart of Bill and Monica we see FOUR powerful CONJUNCTS. Sometimes relationships seem to be a fated sort of karma that we just can’t get out of. I pass no judgment on either one of them, it’s just life. Hopefully they both learned something and grew from the experience.

Bill and Monica are but mirrors of us all, it’s just a matter of scale. We all struggle with the deception of ourselves and others and with disillusionment. Mercury and Neptune have their positions in everyone’s natal horoscope. Where these two planets make favorable Conjuncts, Sextiles and Trines to other Planets, Signs, Houses, Fixed Stars, some Planetoids and Asteroids, there will opportunity in the creative arts, ease in communication, and the more harmonious side of one’s nature. Where the Oppositions, Squares, and Inconjuncts to Mercury and Neptune occur in one’s natal map (horoscope) will represent the areas of life where one experiences lies and illusion in a negative way.

Therein lays our spiritual challenge to forgive ourselves and others, and to make more compassionate efforts at helping each other to understand, accept, forgive, and love ourselves, and thus we can begin to evolve our natures into their rightful higher states of consciousness.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


click on chart for detail view
DEEP SEX ASTROLOGY will be a new category in this on going column along with SEX ASTROLGY QUICKIES… In between breaking sex news scandals I shall present articles of more in depth analysis of historical sex scandals… of historical people.

Let’s start with exploring some of the ‘LIAR ASPECTS.’

“I did not have sex with that woman!” – Bill Clinton

The former President is probably more known for this lie than he is for anything else he has ever said in his political career. Most politicians are liars. That’s the nature of their profession, they simply tell you what you want to hear to get elected, and then they proceed to do whatever they damn well please, which is usually what the secret corporate powers pay them to do. Bill’s capacity to tell such an outrageous lie can be easily seen in his natal horoscope. He is a Leo, and they can often be rather pompous in their attitude toward others, as if they are deserving of special exception and treatment.

The key to understanding his big fib is in the triple CONJUNCT in the sign of Leo. Saturn (rules denial) is at 2 degrees of Leo. Within an orb allowance of 5 degrees is the planet Mercury (which rules communication) at 7 degrees of Leo. Within a 4 degree orb to Mercury is Pluto (rules obsession) at 11 degrees of Leo. This triple CONJUNCT defines one major aspect of this pompous personality. String the keywords together = pompous and obsessive communication of denial.

All planets have their positive and negative expression. On the positive side of Mercury, Bill has a keen analytical mind. In his youth he was a Rhodes Scholar. On the negative side he can have stubborn self deceptive tunnel vision. When Mercury is in close contact with Pluto, and one chooses the dark side of the expression, denial and slick lies can construct convincing walls of rationalization around half-truths. The misuse of language is Mercury’s dark side. Lies told, and with self deception, lies believed, can create pretty words that are but a thin veneer and sugar coating over deep cesspools of vile deceit.

The country witnessed Bill twisting and squirming under oath during the impeachment hearings as he tried to prove that somehow (by his stubborn and obsessive tunnel vision thinking) mutual masturbation and fellatio, with his girlfriend Monica, were not acts of adultery. I feel that he really believes this and may still believe it to this day. How can this be so? With so many easy SEXTILES in his chart it can become an easy second nature and a definite personality flaw. An easy SEXTILE from a powerful STELLIUM in the sign of Libra, to this triple CONJUNCT in Leo provides us with the clue to understand the odd mental peculiarity of this otherwise very intelligent man.

In the sign of Libra (rules relationships) Bill has a powerful STELLIUM of four planets and a planetoid. Mars (male sex drive) at 6 degrees of Libra CONJUNCT EXACT to Neptune (rules fantasy and self-delusion) at 6 degrees of Libra, that CONJUNCT to Venus (rules values and love nature) at 11 degrees of Libra, then that is CONJUNCT the Planetoid Chiron (the wounded healer, representing areas where we are wounded and healed in life) at 18 degrees of Libra, and then that CONJUNCT to Jupiter (rules excessiveness and exaggeration) at 23 degrees of Libra. All five are linked together by the standard 8 degree orb allowance which creates the powerful five planet STELLIUM.

This entire grouping as a STELLIUM is taken as one aspect and it is all within orb allowance SEXTILE (easy flowing aspect) to the triple CONJUNCT in Leo. Also Mars CONJUNCT to Neptune is a common indicator of the ‘con man,’ and here it is in Libra, the sign of relationships. Put all the key words together and you have a person who, through their excessive sexual fantasies (Venus Conjunct Neptune), can get wounded and wounds others (That is Conjunct Chiron), and then easily and blatantly lies about it, to themselves and others (And that Conjuncts Jupiter and all are within the powerful Stellium. These key phrases represent the planetary influences that spell out the choices made that caused the scenario that played out through the scandal of his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Bill’s Sun (rules the ego) is at 26 degrees of Leo and by a 3 degree orb SEXTILE to Jupiter at 23 degrees Libra and also to the outer edge of this powerful STELLIUM which then links it altogether again as one total and very influential aspect. Nicknames are often other people’s intuitive interpretation of a person’s true nature, and in this case, ‘Slick Willie,’ is a rather apt one.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This is a reprint of an article that I wrote during this past summer about how the transiting conjunct of Mars and Venus brought some problems for a politician and his girlfriend… for my subscription site at;
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I am researching the recently revealed affair-scandal of SC Gov. Mark Sanford and his alleged Argentine girlfriend Maria Belén Chapur… but it’s not in protest of yet another corrupt politician using taxpayer money for airline tickets and hotel rooms for clandestine affairs… that’s simply what politicians do.

As an astrologer, I find it a fascinating confirmation of my recent… ‘hot aspect for romance’ prediction in my June 1st post;

I advised that sensuous adventures were quite possible with the transiting Venus and Mars making an exact conjunct at 15 degrees of Taurus on the June 21st …and they stay within the 8 degree orb allowance for a conjunct until July 14th.

According to the current Wikipedia article;

Gov Mark disappeared from June 18th to the 24th …and then arrived back at the Atlanta airport the 24th… and the hot sensuous romance aspect of the Venus/Mars conjunct was exact on the 21st! …and scandal researchers will eventually dig out the details with records of the motel/hotel/plane tickets, etc… that will reveal Mark and Maria having a fun time together on the 21st of June… at taxpayer expense.

I pass no judgment… He’s separated from his wife, going through a mid-life crisis… has an affair… a very old story that many of us play out… and astrologically, it is often very predictable.

What his astrologer (if he doesn’t have one he maybe should get one) didn’t warn him about was the square angle that transiting Venus and Mars are now making to Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius… indicating disillusionment and… scandals!
posted by MasonGarrett at 12:39 PM | add or view comments (2)
The media sharks smell blood and are circling... a headline and
story from the Miami Herald,

“How Sanford spent state money on last year's Argentina trip”

Have you ever noticed how the first wave of media scandal attack is about… what they did. …and the second wave is about… how they spent the taxpayer’s money doing it? …it’s like a romance pulp or soap opera standard formula script… sin, suffer, repent… Yes, politics and Hollywood are both ruled by Neptune…

…and ‘as the planets spin’ in our cosmic drama… transiting Mars at 29 degrees and Venus at 24 degrees of Taurus are now at square angles to the Jupiter Neptune conjunct at 26 degrees of Aquarius.. more of the same as last month…

…and sadly, the passing of another Hollywood icon… the great Oscar winning character actor Karl Malden at the age of 92.

The influenza is in the news daily, but now there is investigation into the mysterious (Neptune) sudden death of Michael Jackson and possible drug and/or medications (Neptune) abuse (Mars).

…with an orb allowance of 8 degrees for these influences will persist… due to the strong influences of the eclipses on the 7th and the 22nd of this month.
posted by MasonGarrett at 12:54 AM

Sunday, October 11, 2009


If the DOB, Jan 7, 1975, that I’ve obtained from an astrology associate of mine is correct for Stephanie… we have an interesting synastry chart to study… and a classic example of… ‘birds of a feather flock together.’ …and astrologically, ‘two birds… with the same squared feathers… flocked together’

We saw in David Letterman’s chart the classic ‘player’ aspect with his Venus (15 degrees Pisces) square to Uranus (18 degrees Gemini)… and what do we find in Stephanie’s chart? …her Venus at 1 degree of Aquarius in SQUARE to Uranus at 2 degrees of Scorpio… ergo, they’re both notorious flirts and players… don’t expect a monogamous relationship from either of them…

His Capricorn Moon is harmonious with her Capricorn Sun… an easy ‘get along’ aspect… and natural friendship… and her Venus at 1 degree of Aquarius is in sextile (60 degrees) to his Mars at 0 degrees of Aries… an ‘easy friendly’ attraction aspect…

…simple read …two fun players got together once in awhile …and significant others… boyfriend… and wife… have got a problem dealing with it …and are now making problems for them… oh, well… the ratings are way up!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


[click chart for details]
Source of photo: Mary S. Lovell web site

From Mary S. Lovell’s autobiography of Betty Pack, “The legend of Betty Pack is simple enough. She was a beautiful American spy recruited first by the British Secret lntelligence Service in 1938 and later by the American OSS. Her method of obtaining information was singular: seduction.”

Her exploits are many, from EIGHT WOMEN WAR SPIES, by George Sullivan, “… saved the lives of as many as 100,000 Allied soldiers by stealing secret code books from the enemy during World War II.”

How odd, our culture… during peace time her exploits would simply be a spy scandal… during a war it’s heroic… It depends on the times… and which side is telling the story.

It is what it is… and she was a remarkable woman who utilized the planetary energies in her natal horoscope to the fullest… and may have changed the course of WWII with her successful missions of stealing secret code books from the Axis enemy.

We will probably never know all the details… simply because of the basic nature of Scorpio… ‘secretive.’

Let’s look in the reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, by astrologer Rex E. Bills, “espionage = Neptune, Pluto, Scorpio”

With this article I want to share with my dear reader’s another fascinating and uncannily accurate astrology reference book easily read by all, THE MARS VENUS AFFAIR, Astrology’s Sexist Planets …by Wendell Perry and Linda Perry.

In this remarkable book Wendell and Linda Perry write a section on every combination of the Venus and Mars location in the signs of a natal horoscope with a historical person’s biography that is an expression of that Venus/Mars location. I will use them as my source and quote them directly… simply because I can’t write it any better than they have… and it’s not nice to plagiarize…

From page 258, “If you have Mars in Scorpio with Venus in Scorpio you are… the Ultimate Powerhouse of Passion... You and sex have a special relationship. Sometimes your sexuality is your greatest adversary. You struggle with it night and day. It gets the best of you as often as you get the best of it, but winning and losing is less important than the struggle. At times your sexuality is your greatest friend. It provides you with a phenomenal, almost supernatural, store of physical energy and psychological intensity that cannot be confined to your sex life. Lovemaking represents only a small part of your sexual power, though it may be your favorite part.”

Born November 22, 1910 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Lovell 1992)

Besides the Venus at 28 degrees of Scorpio and Mars at 10 degrees of Scorpio… her natal Sun location is at 29 degrees of Scorpio… the most intense point of the sign! …and that Decanate (that 2½ degree section the Zodiac) is ruled by Venus (beauty) …in Scorpio (spy)… ergo, beautiful seductive spy…

What I have found most intriguing in this research is the “Yod” or “Finger of God” formation in her chart with the Sun at the focal point. Two planets in sextile (60 degree angle – 5 degree orb allowance) Saturn (behind the scenes service) at 1 degree of Taurus and Pluto (war, spies) at 27 degrees of Gemini… which both then form Inconjunct angles (150 degrees – 2 degree orb allowance) to the SUN at 29 degrees of Scorpio (intense spy)… The formation as it appears on the chart looks like a pointer or an arrowhead… and in astrology circles has often been referred to as ‘a strong destiny aspect.’

When birth times are unknown astrologers will often use Noon as a hypothetical birth time. Noon is when the Sun is directly overhead and is at the zenith of its influence for that day. It represents sort of a potential ‘Destiny’ for all the individuals born on that day. The top of the chart is referred to as the Median Coli, or the Mid Heaven… and the cusp of the 10th House which rules world acclaim… fame, etc. It would not surprise me if she was in fact born around Noon… the destiny chart of Noon clearly indicates it.

The focal point for the ‘Destiny’ formation is at 29 degrees of Scorpio, it is also the Mid Heaven (fame) and it conjuncts exactly with the Sun (essence = beautiful, seductive spy, war heroine)…

This is a classic example of the native playing out their life’s script, the natal horoscope, to its fullest potentials. It’s not what’s in the horoscope… but what you… by your free will choice… choose to do with it.

She was a female “Bond, Agent 007” archetype. Seductive, Scorpio, Secret Agent… all the keywords of Neptune, Pluto, and Scorpio...

The wife of a Diplomat… who had international contacts… recruited by British Intelligence and then the American OSS… seduced Nazi and Italian Officers… obtained secrets and codes that helped to plan the successful Allied D-Day Invasion of WWII… and certainly the right person for that necessary job at the moment… at least for the Allies… thus making her a heroine and legend in our times.


Thursday, October 8, 2009


Let’s start right off exploring the most powerful aspect in sex astrology… the conjunction. When your natal Mars or Venus is conjunct (the same degree location) or within an orb allowance of 8 degrees… to the significant other’s Venus or Mars location… that’s strongest single sex attraction there is… and the tighter the orb the stronger it is… and if this occurs in the sign of Scorpio… it’s hot …and some like that way.

…and I have a personal example to share with you …my first wife and short lived hot marriage many years ago.

Scorpios get a lot of undeserved bad press about their natural sensuality. The Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius woman (because Venus is never more than 40 degrees from the Sun) that may have one or both of these planets in Scorpio… can be the seductive huntress…

If you’re at a club, party, or even a church gathering… in a heard of a hundred other guys… if you catch her interest for whatever mystical reason… this cowgirl will subtly… and sometimes not so subtly pursue you by look, gesture, flirt, touch… her methods are countless and often very creative… once she cuts you out of the heard… just give it up… you don’t have a chance…

Many years ago when I was a 27 year old idiot… living the life style of an hard-edge-abstract-expressionist painter and coffee shop portrait artist… and occasional actor (see my other Blogs THERAEUTIC ABSTRACT PAINTING and DAILY DRAW) …and a photographer friend dropped by my studio loft early one evening to visit briefly… and to show off his new photo model girlfriend… there was intense eye contact between us immediately… it was electric… and then they left to go to their planned movie…

…then the next afternoon …she knocks at my door …may she borrow that book we had casually discussed the night before? …would I like to go to the beach? ...and then a passionate embrace as the surf washes up around us ...the whole film noir scene …two weeks later we went to Las Vegas and got married… for ninety days… then she did one of the infamous Scorpio polarity switches… and she wanted, paid for, and got us… divorced…

…I was devastated… I loved her… etc, etc… I was now a 28 year old idiot… and I never knew what hit me… all I knew was for a couple of months it was some of the hottest and most passionate sex of my life… with a woman five years older than me who could have easily been a Marilyn Monroe impersonator if she were a blonde… and with Venus and Mars in Scorpio…it’s hot! …and just like the movie…some like it hot.

…no regrets, sweetheart …wherever you are …I have only funny and fond memories of us now…

About ten years ago I ran across her DOB and of course I did her chart immediately… and there it was… her natal Venus at 22 degrees of Libra conjunct my natal Mars… and my natal Venus a 4 degrees of Scorpio conjunct her natal Mars… and both square the passions of our natal Pluto locations in Leo… immediate attraction, passionate, intense…

In the next post we’ll explore the birth chart of a famous woman spy… who had this same Venus and Mars in Scorpio… and how she may have changed the course of WWII.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


click chart for detail view

Yes, of course it’s there… he likes to fool around. The first aspect I looked for and found immediately that defines the incident… is the natal Venus at 15 degrees of Pisces in square aspect to natal Uranus at 18 degrees of Gemini… textbook quotes from paragraphs in The Astrologer's Handbook ;

“Venus square Uranus = This square generally brings about sudden but brief attractions… exciting while they last… can be in love today and indifferent tomorrow.

This fickleness is almost certainly present if the square is found in mutable signs [Pisces and Gemini are both mutable signs - brackets mine]

…Sometimes this square can cause promiscuity…”

So, yes… for Dave the inclinations are always there. What I find fascinating are the transits that set off the blackmail attempt of ’48 HOURS’ producer Joe Halderman… and the ‘live on air’ confession scandal by Dave.

Oct 2-3 transiting Uranus is at 23 degrees of Pisces… conjunct his natal Mercury, thus activating this aspect …Transiting Mercury is at 23 degrees of Virgo… and exact opposition to natal Mercury and transiting Uranus, which also squares natal Uranus and further activates the natal Venus/Uranus square…

…and the trigger? Transiting Moon passing over the transiting Uranus conjunct the natal Mercury… and thus a third time charging this often troublesome natal aspect.

And here it occurs in the 12th House (self undoing, secrets, hidden enemies) square (problem, challenge, threat) to 3rd House Uranus (communication, TV) to opposition of Mercury/Saturn transit in the 6th House (job)...

Anytime in mundane astrology where a theme is repeated three times or more… it’s a solid reading.

Will Dave strike out? …probably not, he has the lucky natal grand trine between Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter… and he makes the efforts, which is what activates their power… and his Mars is at the power point of 0 degrees Aries… any personal planet on 0 degrees Aries indicates very possible public notoriety…

In fact, his ratings have gone up since… and he’s finally number ‘1’ in the ‘late night’ category of show ratings.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I want to keep this column timely and because sex scandals seem to be happening on almost a daily basis of late… I’ve decided to have short ‘SEX ASTROLOGY – QUICKIES’… which will be a brief astrological aspect and transit analysis of the events and people involved in breaking sex scandals of politicians, media celebrities, and other notables in our social world. When there is a lull of scandal news we will explore deeper studies of the famous sex of famous people… here’s the first ‘quickie’


DOB Source:
(no time – Noon style chart) click chart for large view.

A typical blabber mouth Gemini… the gossips of the zodiac and with his natal Venus and Mercury in Gemini… yes, he does kiss and tell… on tape about his sexual relations with a lobbyist… which was then aired by a local news station… and a scandal of course… and he resigned as the California State Assemblyman of the 72nd District.

This incident occurred September 9th 2009 as transiting Mars at 9 degrees of Cancer squares his natal Moon at 9 degrees of Aries… setting off his nearby natal Mars at 12 degrees which by orb squares his natal Aries Moon… a common ‘Braggadocio’ aspect…

Now on the 2nd of October as transiting Mars at 22 degrees of Cancer conjuncts his natal Uranus at 24 degrees of Cancer which also squares his natal Neptune at 24 degrees of Libra and activates… the Uranus = Shocking news… square to Neptune = scandal… a natal aspect…

…and now the FBI is investigating the case,,0,1752247.story?track=rss

…transits will rattle the bones in the closet …now and then, and again...

Friday, October 2, 2009


I never seem to be able to finish my book, SEX ASTROLOGY IN PORN AND POLITICS and other PHENOMENA… as one sex scandal breaks after another on a monthly, weekly, and now almost daily basis …so… I’ve decided to simply collect the book together gradually by posting a daily to weekly SEX ASTROLOGY column blog… and to perhaps later publish the book as collected writings on the subject…

The original introduction of 2007 still holds true …so, I’ll start with that…



Sex energy runs this planet. Since I was born I have witnessed the world population triple. Porn has been around since day one on this planet. Archeologists dig up lost civilizations every year and eventually they find some naughty pictures drawn on something. Political sex scandals go way back, like for instance Anthony and Cleopatra. Even the movie stars who enact that historical scandal, like Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, make a sex scandal. The question of nudity goes as far back as the sex scandal of Eve, the Snakeman, and Adam.

The science of astrology goes back to the Stonehenge days. That mysterious and ancient monument was an astrology calculator. By standing in the center of it one could observe with the naked eye where the planets are in the Zodiac. They had less pollution overcast in the sky back then, and it was a great place to have a bonfire and a Spring Equinox festival (earlier version of Spring break). Visualize a horary astrologer wizard gazing up into the night sky, some Druid dudes barbequing a wild boar pig, some Pagan chicks boiling up a brew of hallucinogenic plants and roots, and then the wizard speaks, “Wow, what an alignment, the stars are just right, let’s party!” …ah, those were the days… Past life regression meditation can provide one with a lot of fun movies to watch.

The various political and religious powers that run the world have long ago discredited the science of astrology as ‘bunk,’ and astrologers as ‘heretic.’ Even though kings, prime ministers, and presidents, have used their services, for thousands of years, they fear them at the same time. Adolf Hitler had his astrologer shot for simply telling him the truth, that Nazi Germany would be defeated but within 50 years Germany would once again rise to world prominence. Just look at all the expensive German cars on the road today. You can accept the truth of the science or not. They haven’t burned any astrologers at the stake for a couple hundred years, but we still get an occasional ‘roasting,’ from the controlled media. The simple fact is, if I have your date of birth, I got the goods on you, and you can’t lie to me. That’s the greatest fear of those who have something to hide.

Your natal horoscope (birth) horoscope is a circular map indicating the position of the planets in their orbits around the Sun as seen from the Earth at the very moment of your birth. Three factors go into the construction of this chart; the day, month, and year of birth, the exact time of birth, and the exact location of the birth. Most modern birth certificates since the 1930’s have this information. You have one somewhere, look it up. When I started to study astrology you had to have books of tables and a geography atlas and some knowledge of math to figure it all out. In this computer age there are free on line computer programs that will spit out an accurate birth chart (natal horoscope) in a couple of nano seconds. I will list a couple of good ones in the bibliography. Anybody can be an astrologer these days. However, being a good one is a different matter.

Even if the time of birth is not known, you can use Noon as the time of birth and still get a fairly accurate chart with which the basic aspects (the angles of the planets in relation to each other) can be seen. The aspects are what define a person’s psychological characteristics.

This book will be a fun read, sort of like ‘tabloid,’ or ‘paparazzi,’ astrology. You’ll learn some interesting things about astrology, and maybe even yourself, and you’ll have some new and juicy stories to tell at parties, on dates, or just where ever you socialize and tell interesting stories.

In these writings and charts you will learn details of some of your sacred cows and icons, such as the Kennedys and Marilyn Monroe, that may shock and amaze you. That’s the heretic’s purpose in life, to ruffle complacent feathers and to shake up the status quo a bit. As the ancient Taoist, we can learn to accept life and people, moment to moment, and as being simply, “it is what it is… in the moment of NOW.”

Through the study of astrology and in particular one’s own natal horoscope, you can readily see the daily struggle between the ‘good,’ and the ‘bad.’ This is illustrated in the ancient Tao symbol of the circle with white and black intertwined halves. Most of us are a mixture of both, and spiritually we lead a life of dull grayness and hypocrisy to ourselves and others. Seeing these truths and owning them can begin one’s liberation from one’s endless karmic struggles and self created sufferings.

I view physical death as simply the passage of the soul to another plane of existence. I prefer not to reincarnate on the plane of Earthly existence anymore and upon my arrival to the higher planes I will petition the cosmic powers that be for a position in cosmic maintenance. Being an angelic guide of some sort doesn’t really interest me as I am getting rather bored with human nature and I am much more interested in learning more about the mechanics of the cosmos. Apprentice level cosmic maintenance and adjusting of comet and asteroid orbits would suit me just fine for a few centuries while I work my way up to moon and planetary maintenance within a millennia or two. By sharing these studies with you I hope to give something back to the world that has put up with me for so long now.

The planets are constantly moving in their respective orbits, and those movements are called ‘transits’ in astrology lingo. When these transits are at certain angles to the planet positions in one’s natal horoscope, they can and do incline one to behave in various and often very predictable ways. One always has a choice in how one responds to these various influences. These responses can be unconscious and like a very predictable machine, or they can be conscious and a source of personal and spiritual evolution. In my view we are all here in this lifetime to work through and experience various karmic issues and events, consciously or unconsciously, through our Creator’s marvelous gift of ‘free will.’

In fact recent transits to the planets in my personal natal horoscope are the main motivation to finally write this book at this point in my life. Lately I am strongly influenced by forces bigger than my lazy personality to write… and then to write some more. My roommate observes on occasion, “Dude, you’re really in a zone today.” I acknowledge this energy and I choose to consciously follow it and to experience whatever it may bring.

Over thirty years ago I chose to explore my sex energy as a path of personal liberation and I shall share with you through this book some of my findings throughout more than thirty years of self study and research. The famous 20th Century philosopher and mystic George I. Gurdjieff once said, “Sex is the chief form of slavery in life, and it can also be the chief form of liberation.”

Astrologers often detail the horoscopes of historical dead people because their lives are public information and simply because the dead won’t be offended and can’t sue them. Among the dead I will also include many charts of current or recent living celebrities and politicians because now through the computer age much of their personal history is available over the internet, often from web sites they themselves or their agents have written. Thus it is public information, and I will note my sources as we explore these various horoscopes.

The planets do not compel one to do anything. They simply radiate energy and by their positions in one’s natal (birth) horoscope they indicate possible inclinations in one’s personality and events in one’s life