Saturday, October 17, 2009


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DEEP SEX ASTROLOGY will be a new category in this on going column along with SEX ASTROLGY QUICKIES… In between breaking sex news scandals I shall present articles of more in depth analysis of historical sex scandals… of historical people.

Let’s start with exploring some of the ‘LIAR ASPECTS.’

“I did not have sex with that woman!” – Bill Clinton

The former President is probably more known for this lie than he is for anything else he has ever said in his political career. Most politicians are liars. That’s the nature of their profession, they simply tell you what you want to hear to get elected, and then they proceed to do whatever they damn well please, which is usually what the secret corporate powers pay them to do. Bill’s capacity to tell such an outrageous lie can be easily seen in his natal horoscope. He is a Leo, and they can often be rather pompous in their attitude toward others, as if they are deserving of special exception and treatment.

The key to understanding his big fib is in the triple CONJUNCT in the sign of Leo. Saturn (rules denial) is at 2 degrees of Leo. Within an orb allowance of 5 degrees is the planet Mercury (which rules communication) at 7 degrees of Leo. Within a 4 degree orb to Mercury is Pluto (rules obsession) at 11 degrees of Leo. This triple CONJUNCT defines one major aspect of this pompous personality. String the keywords together = pompous and obsessive communication of denial.

All planets have their positive and negative expression. On the positive side of Mercury, Bill has a keen analytical mind. In his youth he was a Rhodes Scholar. On the negative side he can have stubborn self deceptive tunnel vision. When Mercury is in close contact with Pluto, and one chooses the dark side of the expression, denial and slick lies can construct convincing walls of rationalization around half-truths. The misuse of language is Mercury’s dark side. Lies told, and with self deception, lies believed, can create pretty words that are but a thin veneer and sugar coating over deep cesspools of vile deceit.

The country witnessed Bill twisting and squirming under oath during the impeachment hearings as he tried to prove that somehow (by his stubborn and obsessive tunnel vision thinking) mutual masturbation and fellatio, with his girlfriend Monica, were not acts of adultery. I feel that he really believes this and may still believe it to this day. How can this be so? With so many easy SEXTILES in his chart it can become an easy second nature and a definite personality flaw. An easy SEXTILE from a powerful STELLIUM in the sign of Libra, to this triple CONJUNCT in Leo provides us with the clue to understand the odd mental peculiarity of this otherwise very intelligent man.

In the sign of Libra (rules relationships) Bill has a powerful STELLIUM of four planets and a planetoid. Mars (male sex drive) at 6 degrees of Libra CONJUNCT EXACT to Neptune (rules fantasy and self-delusion) at 6 degrees of Libra, that CONJUNCT to Venus (rules values and love nature) at 11 degrees of Libra, then that is CONJUNCT the Planetoid Chiron (the wounded healer, representing areas where we are wounded and healed in life) at 18 degrees of Libra, and then that CONJUNCT to Jupiter (rules excessiveness and exaggeration) at 23 degrees of Libra. All five are linked together by the standard 8 degree orb allowance which creates the powerful five planet STELLIUM.

This entire grouping as a STELLIUM is taken as one aspect and it is all within orb allowance SEXTILE (easy flowing aspect) to the triple CONJUNCT in Leo. Also Mars CONJUNCT to Neptune is a common indicator of the ‘con man,’ and here it is in Libra, the sign of relationships. Put all the key words together and you have a person who, through their excessive sexual fantasies (Venus Conjunct Neptune), can get wounded and wounds others (That is Conjunct Chiron), and then easily and blatantly lies about it, to themselves and others (And that Conjuncts Jupiter and all are within the powerful Stellium. These key phrases represent the planetary influences that spell out the choices made that caused the scenario that played out through the scandal of his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Bill’s Sun (rules the ego) is at 26 degrees of Leo and by a 3 degree orb SEXTILE to Jupiter at 23 degrees Libra and also to the outer edge of this powerful STELLIUM which then links it altogether again as one total and very influential aspect. Nicknames are often other people’s intuitive interpretation of a person’s true nature, and in this case, ‘Slick Willie,’ is a rather apt one.


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