Friday, October 2, 2009


I never seem to be able to finish my book, SEX ASTROLOGY IN PORN AND POLITICS and other PHENOMENA… as one sex scandal breaks after another on a monthly, weekly, and now almost daily basis …so… I’ve decided to simply collect the book together gradually by posting a daily to weekly SEX ASTROLOGY column blog… and to perhaps later publish the book as collected writings on the subject…

The original introduction of 2007 still holds true …so, I’ll start with that…



Sex energy runs this planet. Since I was born I have witnessed the world population triple. Porn has been around since day one on this planet. Archeologists dig up lost civilizations every year and eventually they find some naughty pictures drawn on something. Political sex scandals go way back, like for instance Anthony and Cleopatra. Even the movie stars who enact that historical scandal, like Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, make a sex scandal. The question of nudity goes as far back as the sex scandal of Eve, the Snakeman, and Adam.

The science of astrology goes back to the Stonehenge days. That mysterious and ancient monument was an astrology calculator. By standing in the center of it one could observe with the naked eye where the planets are in the Zodiac. They had less pollution overcast in the sky back then, and it was a great place to have a bonfire and a Spring Equinox festival (earlier version of Spring break). Visualize a horary astrologer wizard gazing up into the night sky, some Druid dudes barbequing a wild boar pig, some Pagan chicks boiling up a brew of hallucinogenic plants and roots, and then the wizard speaks, “Wow, what an alignment, the stars are just right, let’s party!” …ah, those were the days… Past life regression meditation can provide one with a lot of fun movies to watch.

The various political and religious powers that run the world have long ago discredited the science of astrology as ‘bunk,’ and astrologers as ‘heretic.’ Even though kings, prime ministers, and presidents, have used their services, for thousands of years, they fear them at the same time. Adolf Hitler had his astrologer shot for simply telling him the truth, that Nazi Germany would be defeated but within 50 years Germany would once again rise to world prominence. Just look at all the expensive German cars on the road today. You can accept the truth of the science or not. They haven’t burned any astrologers at the stake for a couple hundred years, but we still get an occasional ‘roasting,’ from the controlled media. The simple fact is, if I have your date of birth, I got the goods on you, and you can’t lie to me. That’s the greatest fear of those who have something to hide.

Your natal horoscope (birth) horoscope is a circular map indicating the position of the planets in their orbits around the Sun as seen from the Earth at the very moment of your birth. Three factors go into the construction of this chart; the day, month, and year of birth, the exact time of birth, and the exact location of the birth. Most modern birth certificates since the 1930’s have this information. You have one somewhere, look it up. When I started to study astrology you had to have books of tables and a geography atlas and some knowledge of math to figure it all out. In this computer age there are free on line computer programs that will spit out an accurate birth chart (natal horoscope) in a couple of nano seconds. I will list a couple of good ones in the bibliography. Anybody can be an astrologer these days. However, being a good one is a different matter.

Even if the time of birth is not known, you can use Noon as the time of birth and still get a fairly accurate chart with which the basic aspects (the angles of the planets in relation to each other) can be seen. The aspects are what define a person’s psychological characteristics.

This book will be a fun read, sort of like ‘tabloid,’ or ‘paparazzi,’ astrology. You’ll learn some interesting things about astrology, and maybe even yourself, and you’ll have some new and juicy stories to tell at parties, on dates, or just where ever you socialize and tell interesting stories.

In these writings and charts you will learn details of some of your sacred cows and icons, such as the Kennedys and Marilyn Monroe, that may shock and amaze you. That’s the heretic’s purpose in life, to ruffle complacent feathers and to shake up the status quo a bit. As the ancient Taoist, we can learn to accept life and people, moment to moment, and as being simply, “it is what it is… in the moment of NOW.”

Through the study of astrology and in particular one’s own natal horoscope, you can readily see the daily struggle between the ‘good,’ and the ‘bad.’ This is illustrated in the ancient Tao symbol of the circle with white and black intertwined halves. Most of us are a mixture of both, and spiritually we lead a life of dull grayness and hypocrisy to ourselves and others. Seeing these truths and owning them can begin one’s liberation from one’s endless karmic struggles and self created sufferings.

I view physical death as simply the passage of the soul to another plane of existence. I prefer not to reincarnate on the plane of Earthly existence anymore and upon my arrival to the higher planes I will petition the cosmic powers that be for a position in cosmic maintenance. Being an angelic guide of some sort doesn’t really interest me as I am getting rather bored with human nature and I am much more interested in learning more about the mechanics of the cosmos. Apprentice level cosmic maintenance and adjusting of comet and asteroid orbits would suit me just fine for a few centuries while I work my way up to moon and planetary maintenance within a millennia or two. By sharing these studies with you I hope to give something back to the world that has put up with me for so long now.

The planets are constantly moving in their respective orbits, and those movements are called ‘transits’ in astrology lingo. When these transits are at certain angles to the planet positions in one’s natal horoscope, they can and do incline one to behave in various and often very predictable ways. One always has a choice in how one responds to these various influences. These responses can be unconscious and like a very predictable machine, or they can be conscious and a source of personal and spiritual evolution. In my view we are all here in this lifetime to work through and experience various karmic issues and events, consciously or unconsciously, through our Creator’s marvelous gift of ‘free will.’

In fact recent transits to the planets in my personal natal horoscope are the main motivation to finally write this book at this point in my life. Lately I am strongly influenced by forces bigger than my lazy personality to write… and then to write some more. My roommate observes on occasion, “Dude, you’re really in a zone today.” I acknowledge this energy and I choose to consciously follow it and to experience whatever it may bring.

Over thirty years ago I chose to explore my sex energy as a path of personal liberation and I shall share with you through this book some of my findings throughout more than thirty years of self study and research. The famous 20th Century philosopher and mystic George I. Gurdjieff once said, “Sex is the chief form of slavery in life, and it can also be the chief form of liberation.”

Astrologers often detail the horoscopes of historical dead people because their lives are public information and simply because the dead won’t be offended and can’t sue them. Among the dead I will also include many charts of current or recent living celebrities and politicians because now through the computer age much of their personal history is available over the internet, often from web sites they themselves or their agents have written. Thus it is public information, and I will note my sources as we explore these various horoscopes.

The planets do not compel one to do anything. They simply radiate energy and by their positions in one’s natal (birth) horoscope they indicate possible inclinations in one’s personality and events in one’s life

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