Saturday, October 3, 2009


I want to keep this column timely and because sex scandals seem to be happening on almost a daily basis of late… I’ve decided to have short ‘SEX ASTROLOGY – QUICKIES’… which will be a brief astrological aspect and transit analysis of the events and people involved in breaking sex scandals of politicians, media celebrities, and other notables in our social world. When there is a lull of scandal news we will explore deeper studies of the famous sex of famous people… here’s the first ‘quickie’


DOB Source:
(no time – Noon style chart) click chart for large view.

A typical blabber mouth Gemini… the gossips of the zodiac and with his natal Venus and Mercury in Gemini… yes, he does kiss and tell… on tape about his sexual relations with a lobbyist… which was then aired by a local news station… and a scandal of course… and he resigned as the California State Assemblyman of the 72nd District.

This incident occurred September 9th 2009 as transiting Mars at 9 degrees of Cancer squares his natal Moon at 9 degrees of Aries… setting off his nearby natal Mars at 12 degrees which by orb squares his natal Aries Moon… a common ‘Braggadocio’ aspect…

Now on the 2nd of October as transiting Mars at 22 degrees of Cancer conjuncts his natal Uranus at 24 degrees of Cancer which also squares his natal Neptune at 24 degrees of Libra and activates… the Uranus = Shocking news… square to Neptune = scandal… a natal aspect…

…and now the FBI is investigating the case,,0,1752247.story?track=rss

…transits will rattle the bones in the closet …now and then, and again...

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